YOU SHOULD COME WITH ME NOW – M. John Harrison (2017)

You Should Come With Me NowYou Should Come With Me Now features 42 short stories written between 2001 and 2015. About half of those are very short, about half a page, and previously appeared on M. John Harrison’s blog. Harrison calls the short items “flash fiction”, but the “prose poem” moniker would have worked just as well.

Having said that, categories aren’t of much use in this collection: this truly is genre defying prose. There are elements of fantasy, science fiction, horror and the plain the weird. But ‘elements’ is indeed just that: mere elements – as the core of most of these stories are humans and human relations: for every ounce of speculativeness, there’s three ounces of something Raymond Carver would have been proud of too. So yes, what we have here is a 21st century Franz Kafka: fiction about the ordinary weirdness of being human, all too human, in a setting that’s at times a bit off, and at times perfectly normal.

Themes are not about a suffocating bureaucracy however, yet the atmosphere is at times just as claustrophobic and harrowing. It is contemporary life that suffocates Harrison’s characters – the disillusion of middle age, loneliness, broken relationships between broken people, falling out.

London’s kind to the confident. Otherwise, what’s there? Get on the tube in the morning and people stare straight into your face from less than one foot distance. That’s no way to live.

Make no mistake about it: most of this book is about real people, and real social interaction. Harrison chronicles human behavior, and the speculative elements are narrative devices to enhance that basic drive: they serve either as similes for an escape from regular existence, or likewise, as similes for the incomprehensibility of our Earthly lives.

Aside from a certain bleakness, there’s lots of warmth and beauty to be found. I dropped the prose poem bomb in my introduction, and it was no hyperbole. Harrison’s prose is a treat, with confident sentences describing the meaningful elements of the environment the stories are set in: Harrison is a nature poet as well as a painter of interiors, describing plants, light, weather and household items – not just to get the word count up, but in a way that says something about life on our planet, and life in 21st century England.

The evening air was hammered like gold on to the rubbish in my front garden. I had been thinking about her all day.

The joy of reading these stories is not only based on the realistic peek in other people’s lives or the prose style. It’s also the thrill of being surprised. There’s quite a lot of awe packed in these 257 pages. It’s the same awe Gene Wolfe sometimes manages to evoke, or Kafka, or Miéville – the awe of something wild, something just out of sight, turning the corner and all of a sudden seeing something utterly unexpected. It’s the juice speculative fiction fans live for, but it’s let loose here, without the restrictions of genre tropes authors like Sanderson submit themselves to. Not that this a no-breaks wild ride, this is no Perdition Street Station, not at all, the outrageous is subdued. It is neither a Rococo imaginative rollercoaster like The Book Of The New Sun. But it is free. It is without restrictions. It is human creativity. And it will creep up on you on moments you will not expect it.

Things I haven’t mentioned yet: there’s political activism here, literary critique, and critique of the superficial interactive exhibition culture. An immaturity not willing to be shackled. A witty intelligence. The longing for a simple life. Tons of variation, not one story is alike – except for a few that are connected.

‘The strangest thing,’ he says in a kind if gentle wonder, ‘is to live in a time like this, both bland and rotten.’

Harrison respects his characters: they do not say or do things for the benefit of the reader. There is absolutely no exposition, and the stories get what they need, and what the stories need only: the words are words important for the characters, and it’s up to us readers. That is liberating as well, as a lot is left unsaid: all the more power to you, reader. Who cares that you don’t fully comprehend what is going on? Does one ever?

Maybe you’ve already read a big chunk of these stories elsewhere, a lot of the longer pieces have been published before as well. You might still want to consider getting You Should Come With Me Now. The 18 stories and the 24 short pieces are “organised to bring out the themes the way a novel might. Yes they are short stories, but yes the book is a thing in itself.”

After reading this, I’m even more looking forward to reading the 2 sequels to Light, and also start the Viriconium series. I also hope to find Harrison’s previous two short story collections somewhere on the second hand market.

I rarely do this explicitly here, but You Should Come With Me Now gets 5 out of 5 stars. I hope Comma Press manages to market it beyond the speculative fiction crowd, as this is literature, plain and simple, a work of art that deserves a wide audience.

In the sense that you have reduced your options according to an inner program you don’t understand but which is obvious to anyone who has known you longer than a year.


UPDATE: I came across what is probably Ursula Le Guin’s very last review, about this very book, in The Guardian. Having thought some more about the issue, I generally agree with her – and Corwex in the comments below – that the book’s biggest shortcoming is a kind of repetitiveness. That should not be a big negative for the “uncommon reader”. Le Guin’s review is here. It is very much of interest for those not interested in this collection too, as she makes a some statements about fiction in general, and the pitfall of “fiction that abandons cause and effect”.


You can get a free taste of the book in the Times Literary Supplement. They reprinted one of the longer stories, The Crisis, here.


22 responses to “YOU SHOULD COME WITH ME NOW – M. John Harrison (2017)

  1. Thanks for the review – sounds like a great book and based on the cover I would have probably never reached for it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like a refreshing read! I still want to read Light as well, but, to be honest I am a little hesitant to go back to Harrison because I read Viriconium when I was too young for it and I didn’t really understand it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d not heard of this until your review. I’ve enjoyed Harrison’s short fiction, but struggled with his novels, so this short story collection sounds like something I would like. Thank you for adding yet another book to my TBR! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Comma Press is a small independent publisher, I presume they don’t have big marketing budgets. I only knew myself because I follow Harrison’s blog… It has been out since November, haven’t seen any reviews, except a few once I started looking specifically. Maybe I should have stressed it a bit more, but obviously this collection is not for everybody: it deserves a wide audience, but it has something inaccesable too, especially if you come at it with the wrong expectations. Then again, the flash fiction makes things clear pretty quickly.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. When, after Viriconium, I read Harrison’s short story collection Things That Never Happen, I was left with an impression that larger scale perhaps suits him better and allows him to let things spectacularly blow up or canker after letting them (in)conspicuously simmer for a while. In the short stories, watching crumbling characters in crumbling landscapes got somewhat repetitive after a while, and the lighter or more heartfelt moments never felt as convincing as the dark ones. The bits of flash fiction on Harrison’s blog were cool, but I still think I’ll go with Climbers or Empty Space trilogy when I return to him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I read the stories in rather small doses, I’m guessing a cover to cover experience might have been too repetitive indeed. The new wore off a bit inevitably, and I thought the first half generally to be the best: at first I flat out thought ‘best read of the year’, and when I had finished it that was toned back to ‘one of the few 5-star reads of the year’. Now that I think about it, a certain repitiveness in the mood may be part of that: not a lot of light in this book. There’s wit, and a certain warmth, and beauty, yes, but hardly anything uplifting, if anything at all.

      I guess my next stop will be Nova Swing, and I think having read this collection will make me get more out of that – I feel I much better understand Harrison as an author now than after reading Light – but Viriconium sure looks tempting too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve had Viriconium on my radar for some time, and on my shelf for about a year, but haven’t read it yet. Now I’ve read the anthology and it is very good indeed, thank you! Kafkaesque, literary, I’d also categorize shorter ones as poetic prose. The mood is really powerful! It took me a while to get into it, so perhaps I under-appreciate the first few stories… personal favourites are probably Jack of Mercy’s, Anti-Promethean and, collectively, the ones about Autotelia…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey, I’m a big M. John Harrison fan and wanted to recommend his omnibus short story collection Things That Could Never Happen. It combines the best of his previous short collection along with work that hadn’t been published previously. It’s basically all of his short stories prior to You Should Come With Me Now.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: FAVORITE SCIENCE FICTION BOOKS | Weighing a pig doesn't fatten it.

  8. Hi.

    After reading several of your reviews on the Weighing a pig doesn’t fatten it blog, I think you might enjoy my newly (self) published science fiction novel. Your review of “You Should Come with me Now” by M. John Harrison displayed the depth of insight that I am seeking for an early reviewer.

    My book, Perfect Imperfection, centers around the adventures of a not-too-smart, over-weight young man with a receding hairline who stumbles onto and into a secret benevolent society of scientists, called Perfect Imperfection or PI. With assistance PI’s accelerated learning and artificial intelligence technologies, Billings trains to become a virtual secret agent that helps humanity in the face of accelerating scientific, ecological and social evolution. The antagonist, Blackbeard, an elite black hat hacker, employs cutting-edge tech to land the biggest score of his career. An epic virtual game of cat and mouse ensues, with everything in the balance.

    I’ve tried to give hope to the reader despite the path the world is on, there is a way to save us. The point behind the story is to show we can overcome the trivialness of all our imperfections, be they physical, social, intelligence or economic. I will donate all profits of the book to causes that are consistent the book’s key themes.

    By way of introduction, my name is S. E. Gould, and I’m a recovering software entrepreneur and corporate finance executive, looking to spend the best part of my life writing fiction that may help inspire the world to choose a better path.

    If you are interested in reviewing, I am happy to send you a pdf, epub or can gift you a free amazon kindle version or paperback. Lastly, if you want an interview or run a giveaway for your followers, I can help you out there as well. I appreciate your consideration.


    S. E. Gould

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Mr. or Ms. Gould

      Thank you for your message. Sadly, I’m rather old fashioned, and prefer to read books on paper.

      I’m also not sure the synopsis of your novel is my cup of tea – it could be, but only if it’s well done. The fact that you feel the need to make it explicit in your short promotionele burb that you protagonist is over-weight with a receding hairline could be an indication that your book might be too tongue-in-cheek for my tastes. I will suspend my prejudice however, and wait for some other reviews to appear. If the book appeals to me after reading a few of those, I’ll gladly buy your book, and as such support your philantrophy. Hope is hard to find, and any realistic contribution to humanity’s fate should be welcomed.

      If you have any opinions to share on Harrison’s work, or any of the other books I’ve reviewed, I’d be more than happy to engage in further conversation.

      Good luck with your writing ventures and thanks for dropping by.


  9. Pingback: THE SUNKEN LAND BEGINS THE RISE AGAIN – M. John Harrison (2020) | Weighing a pig doesn't fatten it.

  10. Pingback: Weighing a pig doesn't fatten it.

  11. Pingback: EMPTY SPACE: A HAUNTING – M. John Harrison (2012) | Weighing a pig doesn't fatten it.

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